- The Competition is open to contestants of all nationalities.
- Contestants can enter more than one competition category.
- Contestants are required to play from memory.
- Performances exceeding the specified time limit may be terminated.
- Decisions of the jury are final and shall not be disputed.
- The jury reserves the right to withhold any prizes if the contestants do not attain the competition’s required standard.
- Contestants requiring an accompanist should make their own arrangements.
- Copyright of audio and visual recordings taken during the competition belong to the competition organisers. Unauthorized photography, audio and video recordings are strictly prohibited during the competition.
- Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Contestants are required to pay an administrative fee of HK$100 if they make amendments to submitted applications.
- The organiser reserves the right to revise the competition regulations, and the right of final decision on the interpretation of the regulations.
- The organiser reserves the right to amend the competition schedule if necessary. When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is in effect two hours before the competition starts, the competition group(s) affected will be postponed until further notice. Details will be posted on the official website.
- Contestants agree to assume full responsibility of their personal belongings. The organiser, sponsor and the jury will not be responsible for any damage to or loss of the contestants' personal belongings.
- Contestants are required to register at the competition venue 20 minutes before the competition starts, and present their ID Card / Travel Document with photo for verification.
- Contestants must bring two copies of the music to be performed for the jury.
- 本賽事歡迎任何國籍的參賽者。
- 參賽者可選擇參加多於一個比賽組別。
- 參賽者必須背譜演奏。
- 參賽者之演出如超過指定時限,評委有權終止演出。
- 所有評委會的決定即為比賽最終決定,任何人不得異議。
- 若參賽者的演出未達到本比賽所規定的水準,評委會有權不頒發任何獎項。
- 參賽者如需要鋼琴伴奏,請自行安排。
- 主辦單位在比賽中取得的攝影、錄音或錄像,其版權歸比賽主辦單位擁有。任何人士不得在比賽場地內進行未經准許的攝影、錄音或錄影。
- 已繳交之報名費將不獲退還,不得轉讓他人或作另一項比賽之用。報名後如需更改資料,參賽者需繳付 HK$100行政費。
- 主辦單位有權修改比賽規則,並保留對比賽規則的最終解釋權。
- 主辦單位有權更改比賽時間表和其他事項。賽前準兩小時,如遇8號風球或黑色暴雨,該組比賽將會延期舉行。有關安排將於本比賽網頁內公佈。
- 所有參賽者及在場人士,必須小心保管個人財物。如有任何損壞及遺失,主辦單位、贊助商及評委會均不會負責。
- 參賽者須於比賽前 20 分鐘到達比賽場地,並出示身分證明文件登記。
- 比賽當日參賽者須提供比賽曲目之影印本兩份,以作評判參考之用。